We understand it; the decade of the 2000s feels like it was just a few years ago. However, the progression of modern technology keeps pace with the passage of time. Do you remember what life was like before apps like Tinder, Uber, and Instagram existed? Actually, the lines are a little fuzzy for us as well.
Let us jog your memory: back then, conversing verbally with electronic devices was not the norm, and Tesla’s concept of the electric car was still in its infancy. During this time period, researchers were exerting a lot of effort in order to learn more about Pluto. At this point in time, all that could be seen of it was a hazy, dim orb.
Let’s skip ahead in time to the year 2022, where we are now. Starting right now and continuing on over the rest of the decade, the amount of technology that we make use of is going to rapidly increase. In fact, it seems like this is going to be the most rapid decade for technological progression to date.
We have chosen some of the most important developments in technology for you to keep an eye on to see where trends are heading.
Speech revolving gadgets
We already have assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Voice, and others that can recognise our voices, respond to our questions and requests, and act upon them accordingly. This is not going to end any time soon, but instead, we will probably start using even more products that are controlled by voice commands.
According to current projections, the next stage of growth will involve understanding and responding in our native language in more natural conversations.
This method was initiated by Google in 2018, and it was conceived as an expansion for the company’s Duplex app, which is a helper tool. This application utilises increasingly advanced forms of artificial intelligence to analyse natural language and the context in which it is used. This function is designed to make it simpler for you to do tasks that are performed on a regular basis, such as making appointments with your doctor, reserving tables at restaurants, scheduling haircuts, and verifying business hours.
In the vast majority of cases, if online bookings are unable to be completed, Duplex will take over and arrange a reservation over the phone with the restaurant. It has been said that those who have spoken to the Duplex system did not realise that they were interacting with automation at the time.
It will be possible for us to connect to the internet from virtually any location
If Elon Musk gets his way with his StarLink satellites and the development of 5G, it is conceivable that we will soon be able to access the internet no matter where we go. The second latest launch of StarLink satellites took place in July of 2022 taking the total launched to date up to 2,500. These types of networks are expected to be the driving force behind autonomous automobiles, peer-to-peer virtual reality, and drone air traffic management in the near future.
There will be a rise in the use of cloud robots
In the past, robots have only been used for limited functions in certain settings, such as factories and warehouses, where they were either given specific orders to transport items or were stationed in a single location. On the other hand, cloud robotics is a newer concept.
This particular branch of robotics calls for the robots to possess some semblance of intelligence and for their data to be encrypted and kept online in the cloud. It is anticipated that robots of this sort will be more mobile and will not be confined to a single location or function; as a result, it is possible that we will observe their increased presence in our homes.
Ironically, both Google and Amazon Cloud already have robots that are capable of developing and gaining knowledge. The end objective of cloud robotics is to create machines that are able to hear, see, and comprehend natural language as well as the environment around them.
The Silicon Valley area is going to make an effort to become carbon negative
Silicon Valley’s most prominent technology companies are attempting to go carbon negative in the hopes that this would enable them to play a role in mitigating the effects of a potential climate catastrophe. As an alternative to just cutting back on carbon emissions, the aim is to do everything they can to make sure they are offsetting their emissions to a point of the equivalent amount of carbon being completely removed from the atmosphere.
Microsoft, one of the most prominent corporations in the world, was one of the pioneers in making this declaration earlier this year. The company detailed their goals to become carbon neutral by the year 2030. As a demonstration of their dedication, Microsoft stated that they intend to remove from the environment all of the carbon that they have released into it since 1975 by the year 2050.
Microsoft is utilising negative emissions technologies such as bioenergy, carbon capture, storage (BECCS), and direct air capture in addition to renewable energy sources (DAC).
It’s possible that our minds might command computers
Brain machine interfaces, also known as BMIs, are devices that are implanted into a person’s brain that unlock particular neurological impulses. This allows the person to operate a computer using just their thoughts. There are still a number of electrodes in use today that have the potential to injure the tissue of the brain, and they also have the potential to corrode over time and stop operating. In a similar vein, BMIs have not yet undergone comprehensive testing and implementation in human subjects.
On the other hand, physiotherapists have been known to employ them in order to assist patients who have suffered spinal injuries. The equipment, which is called an exoskeleton, assists users in standing and moving while they are wearing it.
Your feelings will be monitored by automated systems
Emotional artificial intelligence is able to understand and interpret your sentiments. Well-known marketing companies have already begun using this kind of technology in order to acquire insight about the people who apply for jobs at their companies. In most cases, the technology of this type analyses a person’s facial expressions, and then uses machine learning to make educated assumptions regarding the feelings that are being sent.
Your smartphone could be able to assist with the diagnosis
Even while there are still a lot of advantages to going to a physical doctor, there may be a way to cut down on the amount of time you spend there while also freeing up more of their time. There is a steady stream of new research that investigates the diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of mobile devices like smartphones.
There are applications that can check into and track both your behaviour and the patterns of your health. One software in particular, called Mindstrong, analyses the way you browse and swipe on your mobile device, and it may detect sadness.
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